Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My own FOSS perspective

I did appreciate of how FOSS or Free and Open Source Software have

given me the idea of expressing a sense of "liberty" in the virtual realms. With FOSS, people can

benefit from first, its Open Standards, which means it is publicly available and has no limits in terms with its

rights; it is not that strict and can be easily accessed by anyone because of its availability. Next is that

because FOSS is Open Source which means that it has a complete free source reference implementation

available. With Open Standards, people can have a lot of benefits. Organizations could gain advantages

and will be ensured that its technological and Information Technology procurements and implementations

follow it. Another is that there is a less chance of being locked in a specific vendor. It creates a major benefit

that would result to the interoperability of different technologies and for the different systems to communicate

with one another. One question is that what are Standards and why use them? According to my readings,

Standards means an established or accepted level of achievement. In my own perspective, these are

essential to attain a particular goal. In general, they are important because it simplifies our living. Another

thing that adds spice to FOSS is that it is Open for Innovation, open for everyone, not even one exempted.

Moreover, there are standard-setting process, the de jure, de facto and industry which plays an essential

role for a standard to be set and implemented. FOSS creates a new atmosphere in the IT industry.

As the name itself implies, Free and Open Source Software, is free and open for everyone. These refers

to the softwares that are highly needed in the Information and Communications Technology industry.

These softwares may be a certain system that helps a company or establishment do its job in its

simplest and most convenient matter. But the issue in here is that these softwares are classified into two,

which are the proprietary and non-proprietary. By nature, proprietary ones ar much expensive rather than the

non-proprietary. In my own understanding about what FOSS is, it has a lot of advantages than the proprietary

products. To cite, primarily it is free or if not, cheaper compared to proprietary softwares. And another is that

it is expansible, which means it can be modified and further developed which is really helpful for a software

to be enhanced. With FOSS, the participation of people specially in the Information Technology field such as

the programmers and web developers is increased. For me, FOSS is a big help even to the unemployed

potential programmers and the like. They can even get a living out of it without any application from any

company. All they have to do is to enhance a software and market it in in the virtual world. Another thing

that interests me about FOSS is that it caters vast opportunities for the people who have a desire in pursuing

their career without looking or belittling their educational background as long as the "developer" contributes

worthy software for the majority.

In most cases, specially in the Philippines; people, company and other establishments are being

locked-in with the proprietary softwares. I may say that they embrace it till now for the basic reason that it was

first introduced rather than the FOSS. On the other hand, if FOSS was also first introduced, no wonder FOSS

is widely accepted and used in our country. Who came first really matters. Another is that the business world

runs with the use of proprietary softwares. It can be that they are just going with the flow. I myself admit that

am more familiar with the proprietary products and its applications specially the office applications, and much

more comfortable with using it. But now that I know what the power of FOSS brings for the majority, I am now

beginning to open myself towards it. FOSS might be odd and eccentric at first for others but it just takes time

to appreciate its essence and beauty. It entails open-mindedness for it to be fully understood.

It's good to know and hear that there is a Republic Act implemented in the Philippines regarding FOSS.

Meaning, FOSS is slowly digging it up, it is slowly exposed to the many. While others are not yet familiar with it,

I believe there will come a time that they will just be caught with the "FOSS fever". I am so amazed with how other people like the developers and consumers fully embraced, patronized, understood and studied FOSS. They pour out their dedication into it and really stood up with their feet and of course with the partnership of FOSS itself.

I believe that if FOSS will be thoroughly and fully be exposed to Filipinos, we would be saving a large

percentage for our annual budget alloted for the Information and Communications Technology field. It requires

collaboration from the entire participants of the country--from the government down to the individuals. Also, FOSS is a breakthrough when it comes to producing more softwares, more jobs, more opportunities.

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